
  • Inspiration,  Teaching

    In Defense of Teachers

    While perusing Facebook, I clicked on an Upworthy video people were sharing. It basically had kids telling teachers to understand how to meet their needs. One child needed to walk around the room, another learned better by rocking in his chair, they each were spouting off as if teachers had no idea that children learn in unique ways. Anger bubbled up inside me. I couldn’t fully understand why, so I went outside to work in my yard and contemplate the video and my emotional response to it. After all, I’m not a teacher anymore, and I’ve always been an advocate for multiple intelligences and reaching students through their learning styles.…

  • Teaching

    The Benefits of PE

    I slipped on my dress clothes including heels and drove four miles to the middle school that’s invited me to speak as an author for the past two years. This time I went in disguise, not as K.D. Rausin, but as Mrs. Rausin substitute teacher. Too many quiet days working on my novel can make me long for the energy of young voices even if those voices are saying, “Yeah! We have a sub!”

  • Books & Writing,  Health & Fitness,  Inspiration,  Teaching,  Travel & Accessibility

    Teaching Students About Disability

      The cartoon is from: America’s Disability Rights Museum on Wheels One reason I love kids so much is because they see the world differently than most adults. Many  children are optimists that live in the moment. they want to understand everything from the caterpillars metamorphosis to why they can’t eat dessert first. I’ve been watching videos of when my kids were little. Seeing their excitement while jumping off the couch or dancing to their favorite song brought me back to a time when I taught them about the wonders in the world and they taught me to see with fresh eyes. Those early years with my children inspired me…

  • Inspiration,  Parenting,  Teaching

    What’s Your Major? What’s Your Plan?

    Thank you to everyone who shared in the Random Acts of Kindness Day. This year my family participated which made it extra special. Realizing how easy it is to make someone’s day through even just my words has helped me understand the significant difference kindness can make. Try it. Give someone a detailed compliment and watch their face. Your spirit will lift with theirs.

  • Inspiration,  Teaching

    May 7th: The Second Annual Random Acts of Kindness Day!

    One thing I know for sure is that kind words and kind deeds spread joy. A couple of weeks ago I was at the gym running on the treadmill. My goal was to run 7 miles. When I reached 5 I was done. My mind was creating many reasons of why 5 miles was good enough. Just as I was about to slow down a stranger came over and said how impressed he was that I was still running. He said I was an inspiration. I was shocked. All it took were a few words of encouragement to change my attitude. His kindness was my inspiration. His words cleared away…