
  • Animals,  Inspiration

    A Puppy Reunion

    Sometimes an opportunity presents itself, and you know you have to act. December of 2015 I heard about a mama and her seven puppies who needed a foster home. Not having much experience with dogs made me think it would be easy to take them in. How difficult could it be? Ha-ha! I had a crash course in caring for pups. It was a lot of work! Thank goodness, I took on the challenge. Those pups have filled my life with love.

  • Animals,  Inspiration

    Buddy’s Story

    One day a picture on Facebook caught my eye. It was of a giant dog with big floppy ears. The picture was taken by our friend, a photographer, for our local shelter. The caption under the picture said that Buddy was the calmest dog he’d ever met. I didn’t really want another dog, we already had two…but there was something about Buddy. When we called the shelter we were told Buddy had already found a home. Then two weeks later we received a call. Buddy had been brought back to the shelter. Excited, we hurried over to adopt him. When they found out we had stairs in our home they…

  • Animals,  Inspiration

    Buddy’s Story

    Buddy’s Story The Shelter May/June 2012 I didn’t want another dog. I had two. Nahla an old cocker spaniel we rescued when she was three and Ollie. Ollie, our problem hound who loves our family and other animals but hates most humans. A knock on our door, heck even a bump in the kitchen sends Ollie into guard dog mode ready to attack anyone who dares enter our den. He stands guard on our stairs at night as if we are his sheep and he must protect us. Beautiful, proud, sometimes pain in the neck, Ollie. The thought of getting another dog after Ollie scared me. One day, I saw a picture on Facebook. Big…

  • Animals

    Ollie’s Goodbye to Nahla

    Sometimes the pain is so great it’s easier to hear the voice of another instead of your own. We adopted Nahla from Animal Control in 2001. Arielle was seven and Kai was three. Yesterday was Nahla’s last day with us. She was fifteen. Ollie’s Goodbye to Nahla When I first met you I was scared. You were grown and I was just a lil pup. But you licked my head and nudged my nose and I knew you were my big sister. You taught me how to go through the doggie door, beg for treats and bark at strangers. You kept me company during thunderstorms. I loved our game of tease by…

  • Animals

    Super Bowl Kittens

    When a little boy in our neighborhood knocked on our door and asked me if I wanted a kitten I told him to bring over all four. Why? Because having six cats isn’t enough. I had to make it ten. … No. Because I really enjoy a messy chaotic house with animals in every room. … No. Because Ollie was lonely and needed four cute little chew toys… I mean friends. No. Because I would rather see these kittens go to a loving home than running around our neighborhood searching for food and creating more homeless kittens. BINGO! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve had a kitten in the house. I…

  • Animals

    Doggie Thanksgiving Treats

    Two members of our household enjoy my cooking. Here are two dog treat recipes that are easy and healthy for your canine friend. This recipe was the favorite of both my dogs: Veggie Bones Ingredients: 2 3/4 C. Flour 2 Tab. Bran 2 Tsp. Baking Powder 3 Tsp. Fresh Parsley (minced) 1/4 Cup Shredded Carrots 1/4 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese  (Or Mozzarella) 2 Tab. Olive Oil 1/2 Tsp. Flaxseed 1 (or more) C. Water First, preheat your oven to 350 degress. Grease a cookie sheet or use parchment paper. Mix together the parsley, carrots, cheese and add oil. Next, in a separate bowl combine the flour, bran, baking powder, and flaxseed.…