
  • Cooking

    Eggplant Ricotta Bake

      Finally, I made a new meal that turned out well and Eric loved. I wish I could say my family loved it as well but Arielle was out with friends and Kai wouldn’t dare try eggplant or ricotta cheese. Kai sat with us for dinner anyway and ate his microwaved macaroni and cheese.. right out of the container. No plate. We left the TV on like bad parents and enjoyed our eggplant bake while watching Exporting Raymond. It was good enough for us to break our no TV during dinner rule. Here is where I found the recipe. I think it was the video that made me try it. The chef whipped it together…

  • Cooking

    Energy Bars

    I’m still on my healthy kick since baking and eating way too many sweets around Valentine’s Day. I found a website, thanks to Pinterest, that shows how to make energy bars. Lately, I’ve been needing extra, extra energy to get me through my days teaching middle school math. I spent last week factoring trinomials. Soon I’ll have to face graphing quadratic equations. Still, I have to admit I’m having fun – and math was never my thing. Reading was, so I couldn’t resist today and had to pull out my Kindle before lunch and read the first few pages of Number The Stars to the sixth graders. Oh they rolled their eyes but…

  • Cooking

    Time for Something Healthy

    Chocolate day is over so now it’s time to focus on leafy greens. At least until dessert. Spinach is one of my favorites. We have a spinach salad with dinner at least three times a week. When I think my family can’t take one more bowl of cold spinach… I heat it up! This recipe has a lot of kick to it if you add extra red pepper. For the health benefits of spinach click here. And for the health benefits of garbanzo beans/chickpeas click here. [gmc_recipe 2377]  

  • Cooking,  Parenting

    No Theme Sunday

    Today’s theme is all about the recent events in my life. In other words there really is no theme throughout the post. My editor husband is going to have a fit but he’s at spin class right now and won’t see this until later today. I’m breaking the rules. I’m such a rebel. It probably has something to do with the fact that I went to bike night and line danced. Bike night as in the kind with loud pipes not squeaky horns. And lined danced as in bumped into people and pretended I knew what I was doing. Having teens means not having to get a babysitter. Eric and…

  • Cooking

    Valentine’s Day Popcorn Cake

    Most of the recipes I post are easy. This one is super duper easy. I found a recipe for popcorn cake on Pinterest. The recipe called for marshmallows which are not vegetarian. Yeah, I was crushed when I found out how gelatin is made. No more smores for me unless I can find vegetarian marshmallows. Anyway, I took the recipe for the popcorn cake and made one with caramel and another with chocolate. If I hadn’t run out of caramel, I would have used them both on the second cake. I’m crazy that way. They both turned out super duper yummy. By the way, did you notice the Valentine’s Day card in the picture?…

  • Cooking

    Another Easy Valentine’s Day Treat

    As promised here’s my new Valentine’s Day treat. Remember that day when I went searching for the candy conversation hearts at Publix and they laughed at me because it was too early – it was all about the Super Bowl? Then I had to use animal crackers in my cupcakes because I couldn’t find the conversation hearts… Well, that same day in the dollar section of Target I found little pink heart ice-cube trays. Two for a dollar. I picked them up and had this little conversation in my head that said… Do you really need these? … Little heart-shaped ice how cute, they’re only a dollar and they’re adorable. Why not? I brought them home to the…