Inside Every Book Lies the Heart of an Author
Inside Every Book Lies the Heart of an Author “To those who can dream there is no such place as faraway.” Anonymous Everything that I have in my life began with a dream, a thought, a what if… Writing fiction takes the same bravery. I have an idea and I must believe that I can get to work and turn it into a book. It’s not an easy task. First, I have to trust that the story will present itself daily as I sit down to type. I have to fight all the demons that whisper and tell me I’m wasting my time. Eventually, I will give my story to an editor. Afterwards, I must…
Wisdom Wednesday: Setting Goals
Wisdom Wednesday: Setting Goals Alice: But I just wanted to ask you which way I wanted to go. Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to. Alice: Oh, it really doesn’t matter. Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go. I’ve always believed in setting goals. Most every inspirational book I read encourages doing so, however, sometimes the goal I set is so broad there are no specific details on how I’m going to reach my destination. It’s like saying I’m going to Illinois and simply getting in my car and driving without a GPS. I’d probably get there eventually but with my sense of direction it could take a…
MYSTIC’s book birthday was yesterday January 5, 2013! You can purchase a copy through CreateSpace or Amazon. The Kindle version is coming soon. I have to give a huge shout out to Beth, Ashley and Chris from Project Team 1 at CreateSpace. I decided January 5th was the perfect book birthday for MYSTIC and I begged and pleaded and offered chocolate (not really) to the Project Team to make it happen. They did! I am very grateful to them. Why was January 5th the perfect date? Well, it began on January 5th, 1912 when Virginia Titus Keen was born–My grandmother. She was very, very special to me. Eric and I got married on…
One of the many wonderful things about being an Indie Author is that I get to work directly with illustrators. Currently, I’m collaborating with three illustrators. Mina Sanwald has designed my map of MYSTIC. CreateSpace has one of their illustrators designing MYSTIC’s cover. And Muza and I are working together on a picture book. My life has been a bit crazy this past month. I’ve spent my weekdays helping to teach second and third graders. Their energy and enthusiasm for learning brings me joy. They also spit out phrases like one spunky second grader… “I don’t want to be a nerdgrader!” To which I replied “Thank you for the title of my next picture book.” Every day…