• Parenting,  Travel & Accessibility

    College Move-In Day Year Two

    It’s difficult to describe the feeling of having the child you’ve raised for 18 years suddenly go away to college. Last August all four of us traveled to Illinois and moved Arielle into her dorm. There was excitement, trepidation, and lots of sadness as I realized that a way of life that I had known for so long was coming to an end. A real end. I stayed in Champaign for a week to give myself an adjustment period and to make sure Arielle was safe and happy. Looking back it was a very good thing I had MYSTIC, a great editor (thank you, Emma Dryden!) and a publishing date to…

  • Parenting

    College Move-in Day!

    I’m not really here. I’m on a blog vacation until September… So much has happened in the last seven days that I just had to share some photos. The University of Illinois is an amazing place! Eric and I wondered why we never chose to have the college after high school experience. What were we thinking? Kai decided he was going to skip high school and head right to college. Arielle was excited, overwhelmed, and ready for her new journey. It began with a packed van. We thought our minivan days were over. We we wrong. An organized mom would have thought to put all those bags in one big plastic bin. Not me. By the way,…

  • Parenting

    Having Teens

    As I stuffed the last of the nachos in my mouth I remembered that just yesterday I had decided I was going to cut back on my salt intake. Oh well, so much for that. Starting… now… wait there’s one last crumb… okay now – I’ll cut back on salt. At least until I go grocery shopping. These summer days have left me free to write, eat, feel and attempt housecleaning. The feeling part is necessary in order to be a good writer but it can also be painful. The walls of denial come crashing down forcing me to look within. Why am I so scattered? Why am I eating…