Our Adventures in L.A.
I’ve returned from a fantastic trip to Los Angeles! Driving on the freeways, eating in fabulous restaurants and strolling along Santa Monica Pier brought me back to twenty years ago when L.A. was my home.
The Value of Our Words
The Value of Our Words Sometimes when you’re on a journey the road is dark and fear snakes in like a mist covering every inch of your soul and your will to keep going. That’s when the kind words or deeds of another can shine a light and give you the courage to keep on. We can be people who encourage and inspire or people who discourage and induce fear. It’s our choice. Picture this… You’re running a race. There is a crowd on your left and a crowd on your right. On the left the people are cheering for you! You’re exhausted and out of breath but they’re chanting your name and telling you to keep going. On the…