• Teaching

    Help Girls Find Their Voice

    I watch it happening before my inquisitive eyes. Girls sitting in a middle school classroom silent, unwilling to speak up when they know the answer, unwilling to correct the boys when it’s obvious they’re frustrated with the continuous outbursts or immature fart noises. They sit there. They follow. Some giggle. Why?

  • Inspiration,  Teaching

    In Defense of Teachers

    While perusing Facebook, I clicked on an Upworthy video people were sharing. It basically had kids telling teachers to understand how to meet their needs. One child needed to walk around the room, another learned better by rocking in his chair, they each were spouting off as if teachers had no idea that children learn in unique ways. Anger bubbled up inside me. I couldn’t fully understand why, so I went outside to work in my yard and contemplate the video and my emotional response to it. After all, I’m not a teacher anymore, and I’ve always been an advocate for multiple intelligences and reaching students through their learning styles.…

  • Inspiration,  Parenting,  Teaching

    Respect in the Classroom

    Respect “Dad needs to show an incredible amount of respect and humor and friendship toward his mate so the kids understand their parents are sexy, they’re fun, they do things together, they’re best friends. Kids learn by example. If I respect Mom, they’re going to respect Mom.”  Tim Allen “When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.” Dalai Lama I remember when I was in school the feeling we all got when we knew our teacher was out and we had a sub. Usually word would spread in the hallways before class. Having a substitute teacher meant a relaxed free period. Oh, I remember! Now, I am…

  • Inspiration


    Today I learned that dress down day in middle school should really be called teacher beware day. Wow! The energy in every class was difficult to keep balanced. Amazing how the slightest change in a routine (uniforms) can make students react uniquely to their eniviroment. But isn’t that necessary in every aspect of life? Changes in a routine adds color and newness to what can become a mundane exhistance. With change comes creativity. And oh, were those middle school students creative today! With change comes reflection and learning. This evening we said good-bye to two of our foster kittens. Even though my goal has been to find them loving homes,…

  • Parenting

    Mom and Son

    “Please understand that everything I ask you to do has a purpose. Whether it’s learning to take out the trash and recycling every week, completing your homework on time, giving others your attention while they are performing, or remembering to say thank you when someone gives you a compliment – all of these things are lessons meant to help you make an easier transition into adulthood.” His reply; “I’m a teenager, mom. What do you expect?” I wanted to say “I expect you to do everything I ask, immediately, without question.” Well maybe I did say something along those lines during our hour long conversation. It was more like… please…