Halloween Cookies
Feel like making Halloween cookies? Here are some that are quick and easy. I needed easy after my Epic Fall Fail Cake. My first idea was to make chocolate croissants in the shape of a pumpkin. Then I watched a YouTube video on how to make croissants and quickly changed my mind. I decided I’d make sugar cookies instead and add chocolate. My kids told me I should stick with boxed mixes so I decided to listen to them this time. After I took this picture I realized I had never made sugar cookies with cookie cutters. I know, pretty pathetic. [/caption]When they were done baking I loaded one cookie…
Easy Halloween Treat for a Classroom
I found the best Halloween activity for a classroom. It’s inexpensive, easy, tasty and for those teachers who love to teach writing like me, can be used for a creative writing lesson. Click here for a picture of what the treat could look like if you had your own magazine and TV show. Now I’ll show you my version. This is all you’ll need. 1. Bag of oranges 2. Pencil 3. Tooth-picks 4. Orange sherbet First – and this will be the most time-consuming for teachers since I don’t recommend giving your students knives. Cut off the top of the orange. Next, scoop out the inside and draw a face or…
Chocolate Lollipops!
When the kids were little we created the tradition of making chocolate lollipops on their birthdays and holidays. Instead of cupcakes they brought lollipops to school to celebrate. Over the years I collected molds with everything from Minnie Mouse and Pokemon to Harry Potter, footballs, dolphins and mustaches. Not be confused with dolphins with mustaches although that would make an interesting lollipop. Since North High had a Senior Kingdom themed pep rally on Arielle’s birthday I thought what better way to celebrate than with chocolate lollipops. They’re easy to make and who doesn’t love chocolate at seven in the morning? Step 1: Choose the color and flavor of your chocolate. I’ve always used…
Epic Fail Fall Cake
It all began when I was perusing the Martha Stewart dessert site and I spotted the most colorful cake I had ever seen. It was called the Super Epic Rainbow Cake. Of course in true Krista fashion I decided immediately I was going to make this super epic cake but with the colors of fall instead of rainbow colors. What better way to begin the season than with a super epic cake? That’s what I told Arielle and she replied, “but you don’t like cake. Maybe you should make recipes you want to eat.” Nah, someone will eat my cake, the fun is in the challenge of making it. That’s…