When A Childhood Dream Comes True
Crack! That was the sound my fifth metatarsal made as I hit the ground. It was my birthday, and my husband Eric and I had gone horseback riding in the Smoky Mountains. I didn’t realize we were getting off our horses for a glimpse of a majestic waterfall otherwise I’d like to think I would’ve chosen to wear my hiking boots instead of Toms. Yeah, Toms and the beach–fantastic. Toms and hiking–no!
So there I was on the ground when a thought came clear pushing all pain aside. My foot’s broken, but I have a horse! My next thought was, wow, I should use this technique every time something goes wrong. When I’m down either literally or figuratively immediately thinking of something I’m thankful for helps me feel much better! Eric tried pulling me up. I shook my head in disbelief. We laughed. Somehow I got back on the horse and rode to the stables where Eric may have taken a video of me hobbling toward the car. When in pain, laughter helps.
Stella’s Story
Four years old, I’m at Montessori, and I tell the teacher I live on a farm and have lots of brothers and sisters. Both stories. No farm, no siblings. However, it was around that time that I fell in love with horses. I had a horse on springs in my bedroom that I could climb on and let my imagination run wild. Charlotte’s Web was my favorite book. I dreamt of sitting on a stool, just like Fern and being a part of the animal’s world. At an early age, I knew the peace animals could bring without ever having grown up on a farm.
As time went by the dream of one day having a horse got pushed further into the future. “Someday I’d love to have a horse.” My family listened to me utter those words for years.
Eric and I planned a trip to Asheville, North Carolina, for my birthday. We got off the plane, found a brewery, and then discovered a toy store down the street. Since it had been years since I was in a toy store, I wanted to look around. The excitement of our trip, my upcoming birthday, and spending time together, fit right in with the wonder of a place filled with childhood magic.
The first thing that caught my eye was a horse on springs, just like the one I had when I was little. I pointed it out to Eric. Then shelves of Bryer horses caught my eye. The memory came rushing back. I’d also had several of those horses as a child! Eric asked, “If you could have any one of them as a real horse, which one would you choose?” I studied the shelves knowing I’d be happy with any horse. I tried to remember which ones I had as a child. Was there one I had dreamt of having back then? Yes, I pointed to a white spotted horse on the bottom shelf. Eric nodded.
Later that night sitting in our cabin, I asked Eric if he minded if I took some time to write. It was my last day of being 48. I wanted to capture it in words. I wrote about being grateful for my life. I wrote about how this stage of my life feels wide open, unplanned, and sometimes frightening, and I wrote about wanting a horse and land. I folded the paper and tucked it away.
My Birthday
The next morning began with coffee and a beautiful view of the mountains. Eric handed me three gifts. Of course, I tried to shake the first and guess what it was. Because we’ve been together next to forever, he had placed two carefully cut pieces of wood in the front and back of the present anticipating my guesses. Ripping it open I discovered a package of peppermints, the kind placed in decorative dishes on restaurant counters. I never eat them. It was one of those times where part of me wanted to ask what he was thinking, and the other part of me knew he was up to something. Quickly he handed me a small wrapped box. It contained gorgeous star earrings. He said, “I got you these because you’re the light in my life, my guiding star.” It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever said to me. I hugged him deciding it didn’t matter if he thought I ate peppermints. Eric handed me the last gift. I opened a photo album, which was another unusual gift because we rarely print pictures. I opened the album. On the first page, there was a photograph of a big white spotted horse the captions read, Meet Stella! Your new Horse! She loves peppermints! I burst into tears. “I have a horse? I have a horse?” My dream had come true! My mind tried to comprehend forty-five years of wanting with a moment of receiving, and it was magic!
To celebrate I decided we should go horseback riding. By the end of the day, I was sitting in urgent care with a new giant boot, but it didn’t matter because…
I had a horse!
On our way back to the airport we stopped at the toy store and bought the Bryer horse I had chosen. It sits in my room, reminding me of my childhood, my dream, and Stella.
My foot is healing. Stella and I are getting to know each other. I bring her peppermints, lots of peppermints! I’ve learned that dreams are seeds planted within. They can take years to grow and sometimes feel forgotten. Holding on to them, believing in them reminds me of who I am. And when a dream blossoms, it feels like life exploding with joy, showing me the magic that lies in a moment.

Carol Doeringer
What a fun, touching, well-written story! Now I know how you managed to be so upbeat about that broken foot when we were together at that Pennsylvania workshop!
Thanks, Carol! All I had to do was think of Stella and all was well.