Battle of the Mint Shakes
I couldn’t let St. Patrick’s Day pass by without indulging in a mint shake. I searched Pinterest for recipes and found a homemade version of McDonalds Shamrock Shake. Never having tasted a Shamrock Shake I realized I’d have no way of knowing if it was close to the real thing. So, I decided to hold a giant mint shake taste test with three judges: me, Eric and Arielle.
When Eric walked through the door after a week in St. Louis I hugged him and said “Suprise! I’m cooking for the blog again… try this!” Even though he’s not really a fan of mint flavoring I think the fact that he hadn’t seen me in a week won over. He pulled up a chair and pretended to be interested in what I was doing. I’m a lucky gal.
The battle was between…
The homemade version…
Steak ‘n Shake – Mint Cookies ‘n Cream Shake…
And introducing Kd Rausin’s Mystic Mint Shake. Named by my beautiful daughter. I love the way her brilliant mind works. She’s already plugging my middle grade novel that comes out in November. MYSTIC. I’m a lucky mom too.
Guess which one I voted for as best? Mine of course! It had Bryers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream my all time favorite ice cream. How could it not be the best one? Eric agreed with me. Arielle chose Steak N Shake Mint Cookies’n Cream. She’s a huge cookies and cream fan. I had a feeling that one would be her favorite. She told me if I added regular Oreo’s instead of mint Oreo’s to mine it may have won. Nah, I’m a mint fan all the way. And in case you were wondering the homemade version of the Shamrock Shake is very similar to the real thing. It all depends on how much peppermint extract you use.
If you would like to try the homemade version of the Shamrock Shake visit the browneyedbaker. And if you would like to make Kd Rausin’s Mystic Mint Shake see the recipe below. I’ll include a kid friendly version because after all MYSTIC is a children’s book. But you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy it.
[gmc_recipe 2757]