Books & Writing,  Travel & Accessibility

SCBWI Conference

SCBWI Conference

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I decided at the last minute to take a weekend trip with Eric and attend the Florida regional SCBWI conference in Orlando. We had a blast!
mugs final

Look what we won at the silent auction! Eric said they fit me perfectly and we had to have them. They were made by an author…of course! Gaby Triana is not only the author of four novels but she’s also a cake decorator. Thank you, Gaby!

It can get lonely sitting here typing with only my zoo for company. I decided it was time to meet some writers in person…actual people I could speak to…not online. Meeting authors online is comfortable for me but it was time to break out of my comfort zone.

Eric and I reached Orlando just in time for the elixir mixer. Eric was very happy for three reasons.

  1. I was dressed in a skirt and heels and not sweats.
  2. We were at a party with lots of people for him to talk to. He’s very social!
  3. He was getting major supportive husband points.

My coach told me I was doing great throughout the evening. “Good job! I’m really proud of you for talking to so many people.” He’s adorable. Actually, after a beautiful woman and (my new best friend) exclaimed that she didn’t believe I had a daughter in college because I looked seventeen… well, that’s when I realized just how fun elixir mixers are!

Afterwards, Eric and I celebrated with sundaes. There we were at Disney all by ourselves eating ice cream at eleven at night. Awesome!

sundaes at Disney

Saturday morning I was up with the sun.

sunrise at Disney

I attended the fantasy workshop with Matthew Kirby and Joe Monti where I listened to them talk about one of my favorite subjects–writing fantasy. During our lunch break Eric asked me to ask Joe for a list of recommended reading. The two of them had had a brief discussion about  George R.R. Martin’s books at the mixer. Eric LOVES George R.R. Martin and let me tell you it is very difficult writing fantasy and asking Eric to edit. The bar is set at George R.R. Martin. Once Eric even made the mistake of saying George R.R. Martin was his favorite author. My reply, “excuse me?” “Oh…ah not including you, honey, sweetness, sugar pie…” Yeah right I know better.

Well, the Universe was on Eric’s side because as soon as I returned from lunch Joe announced that he was sending us all a list of recommended reading. Eric was very excited later when I told him. He asked me to forward the list right away. I’m a little afraid my husband is going to stalk Joe Monti just to talk books.

Since marketing has become a big part of my writing career I asked Eric to scout possible locations for a Disney picture of MYSTIC. He found some great ones but by the end of the conference the rain poured. I’m not one to give up easy. I needed a picture. We searched the gift shops and found the perfect spot. While I stood and considered which was going to win, my desire to have the picture or my fear to ask permission to take the picture, Eric (who would’ve just taken the darn picture regardless) went right up to the manager and asked permission for me. What a guy! After 23 years together he knows me so well!

Me and MYSTIC at Disney
I posted this to my Mystic the novel page on Facebook.

We hopped in the car and drove in the downpour towards home. There was one stop left to make. Hello Cheesecake Factory and peanut butter cup, Butterfinger cheesecake. Wow! The perfect ending to the perfect weekend.




  • Denise Lanier

    That black coffee cup needs to have the two things in reverse order to be true for me (and for most writers that I know): the drinking of the coffee FIRST, and then the making up of stuff-ness :0)

    Hah, look at me, revising coffee cup blurbs; you’d think I didn’t have enough real editing work to do!

    Glad you enjoyed the conference, it sounds like a lot of fun people were in attendance. Are you coming to Texas for your Mystic book tour? Let me know & I’ll round up a crowd o’BookLovers for you.

    All good things,



      • Krista

        Thanks Denise! Timothy Banks is the illustrator who created the cover. You can see more of his work on Facebook.

        I don’t have any plans to come to Texas… yet. Your offer is very kind. I do enjoy the company of book lovers. Cheers!

  • Jamie Ayres

    Glad you enjoyed your trip! I was actually in Orlando on Saturday too–would’ve loved to go to the conference, but nothing can beat going to Disney with my family 🙂

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