Puzzle Pieces
Ever since I was little, I felt it. There was an inner feeling of knowing what path to choose even when it was the most difficult. I remember trying to explain it to someone as a young girl. I told them that we always know what is right, the answer is within us. I don’t remember how old I was.
A Grandfather’s Love
I get to meet a lot of new people every day. I’m either surrounded by teens when I substitute teach, or adultsĀ as I strike up conversations with people at the gym, dog park, or grocery store. Most of the topics include the weather, running, dogs, and occasionally writing. Lately, people have been telling me their stories. Since I prefer listening to talking, I enjoy hearing about their lives.
Saying Goodbye
The storm’s been brewing for a year. I’ve seen it off in the distance. I’ve felt its presence every day. It’s the storm of change. Most days I’ve ignored it, but now it’s overhead, ready to blow the past away forcing me to start anew.
The Importance Of Getting Up And Trying Again
“The true measure of courage is not whether you reach your goal–it’s whether you decide to get back on your feet no matter how many times you’ve failed.” Oprah Winfrey
How A Backpack Sent Me Running
It takes a lot to make me laugh. I mean a real laugh out loud, belly laugh. Well, it happened several weeks ago while I was watching a YouTube video. Then as soon as I started laughing I was overcome with guilt. Was it terrible that I found the video so funny?
A Great Summer Treat For Your Pup
Those who follow me on Instagram and my KD Rausin Facebook page know how much I love my pups Roscoe and Smudge. Watching them grow, seeing how intelligent and curious they are, has brought me more joy than I ever imagined.