Books & Writing

Author Interview: Noelle August

Noelle August is a pseudonym for two talented authors: Lorin Oberweger and Veronica Rossi. I met Lorin two years ago at her Free Expressions Your Best Book novel-writing workshop in North Carolina. So, when her first book BOOMERANG came out, I had to buy it.

I know I love a book if two things happen.

1. I think about the characters as I go throughout my day, and then I realize I’m daydreaming about fictional people.

2. I read the book in two days because suddenly nothing else is more important than finding out what happens next in the story.

Well, that’s exactly what happened with BOOMERANG and then REBOUND. Now, their third book BOUNCE will be out on August 25th! There are two days left in their awesome giveaway! Check out their Facebook page for details!

I was thrilled when Lorin told me they’d be happy to do an interview on my blog. Thank you, Lorin and Veronica. Congratulations on your success!

Noelle August Books Blog

What is the difference between Young Adult and New Adult fiction?

Lorin: I think the obvious difference is that New Adult allows for a more overt expression of romantic intimacy than Young Adult typically does. It also features protagonists who have “aged out of” the typical age group of YA, and they’re having experiences of life in or post-college, first real professional experiences, first real, deep loves, first love affairs, first experiences of dealing with family in a more “adult” way. These aren’t hard and fast rules, of course, but I’d say those are general guidelines.

Do you have any quirky writing habits?

Lorin: For some reason, I do my best writing in bed, surrounded by pillows and balancing a cup of coffee or tea on my trusty lap desk.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Veronica: I love to read, of course! And I also love cooking, traveling, and running.

Lorin: Likewise with regard to reading! Traveling, most definitely. I love any kind of cultural opportunities I can experience—live music, theater, good movies, art galleries. I also love just getting in my car and driving.

Do you attend writing conferences?

Veronica: I do. It’s a personal priority for me to keep improving my craft, and I love to hang out with writers. They’re my tribe!

What advice would you give other writers?

Veronica: Read, write, repeat. And don’t give up!

What are you reading?

Veronica: I’m currently reading a few books. Josephine Angelini’s TRIAL BY FIRE, Marie Rutkoski’s THE WINNER’S CRIME, Ken Follet’s FALL OF GIANTS, and several research books on Ancient Greece.

What literary character would you like to invite to dinner?

Veronica: Jamie Fraser, from OUTLANDER, because he’s HOT! Just kidding, just kidding! (Not really!) This is an answer that’s tempered by my recent reads, but I’d love to have Mark Watney, the main character in THE MARTIAN, over. It’s been a while since I’ve read a character who made me smile so darn much.

What character from your books is most like you?

Veronica: Weird answer, but I’m going to say Perry from UNDER THE NEVER SKY. He’s a bit broody and quiet until you get to know him. I think I have those tendencies. Then again, I can also be more outgoing…but so can he. Family, friends, and honor are important to both of us. And neither one of us likes social-posturing or insincerity. We both appreciate people who are good listeners!

Lorin: I think Mia from BOOMERANG shared a lot of my outlook and characteristics (minus the youth and the awesome hair), and her mom had my mom’s first name and my dad’s middle name as a bit of an homage.

What are some of your favorite scenes from your books?

Veronica: I really love the opening of BOUNCE. We had a great time with the audition scenes at the start.

Lorin: In BOOMERANG, I’ll always love the test dates SO MUCH. And in REBOUND, I love the team-building scenes. I just listened to that on audiobook and laughed out loud, truly, through that whole section.

In BOUNCE, I love this funny little moment when Grey and Skyler are arguing about Hello Kitty. Readers will have to delve into the book to find out more, but it just kills me. And there are a couple of other little moments, one where Grey tells Skyler she’s “the worst” but clearly means the opposite, that I adore.

What do you find most challenging about being a writer?

Veronica: At the risk of being a downer, and the disclaimer that I absolutely love my job and wouldn’t trade it for the world, here’s my answer: I find writer’s block very tough. Extremely frustrating! I get so invested in my work that when it’s not moving forward, it can really get to me. I also find the solitary nature of writing to be difficult sometimes—though it’s also an aspect I very much love.

What are some interesting facts about you?

Veronica: Uhhh, I was born in Brazil, I’m the most Gemini-ish Gemini you’ll ever meet, I once lived in Italy and hope to go back, and…I can make a mean homemade mac and cheese. Like, legendary.

Lorin: Hmm, I think I could give Veronica a run for Gemini-ish Gemini, so we’ll have to go battle royale on that one. Other than that, I was once asked to audition for a Broadway show (but didn’t!); I have traveled to some exotic places, like China and Egypt, but never to Europe (yet); and I make the world’s best cheesecake. So I guess Veronica and I could produce a super delicious meal that’s extremely unfriendly to the lactose intolerant! (And anyone with arteries.)

Where can readers find your books?

Veronica: Any major retailer, and many independent bookstores.

Thanks, Lorin and Veronica!

Happy Reading Everyone!

Our family is going on an adventure! I’m taking a two-week hiatus from blogging. However, if you want to see what we’re up to you can follow me on Instagram where I can guarantee you won’t see any picture of me bungee jumping…the rest of the family, I’m not so sure.

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