Books & Writing,  Inspiration

Believing In Success

What a wonderful book launch week! I was overwhelmed with gratitude from everyone’s support. Reading to all the kids was the highlight of my week.

March visit E&B

It’s been an emotional two weeks between the race and the book release. Both life events have taught me the importance of working hard towards a goal and believing in myself.

There were many times when I felt as though I could never run 9.3 miles. There were also many times when I was worried I’d never find a publisher for ELLE & BUDDY. In those times I had to find peace within myself, breathe, and understand that in that moment I was doing all I could to see my goal through. I had to let go and believe–while working hard.

Worry is a funny thing. It can steal your potential and keep you from living the life you desire. I’m learning to recognize worry and the damage it causes. The more I understand it’s my own thoughts reeling out of control down a path of imaginary fears the quicker I’m able to stop, feel the pain of my worrying, and understand it’s all my own doing. I can choose worry or I can choose peace. Peace feels so much better!

In my writing room I have my grandmom’s old blue recliner. It sits facing a window looking over the canal. This is where I begin most of my mornings, writing in my gratitude journal, reading my inspirational books, or reading from two magazines that sit alongside my books. O (Oprah) and SUCCESS.

Over a month ago, I spoke to a woman named Patty Onderko who was writing an article for SUCCESS magazine about people who have had mood makeovers and the everyday practices they put into place that have had life changing effects. I was familiar with SUCCESS and very excited to tell her all of the things I’ve done to change my life since 2003. However, one thing I didn’t tell her was that I had many copies of SUCCESS and kept several of them next to my Grandmom’s blue chair. After speaking to her, I picked up one of the issues and opened it to one of my favorite articles, Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire! It was an eye-opening piece on human behavior. I glanced at the name of the author of the feature. Patty Onderko.

for blog

Last week when I pulled the mail from our mailbox there was the April issue of SUCCESS. My heart started racing. I opened it up to Patty’s article and saw my picture. It was a surreal experience. Still is. I was in one of my favorite magazines, one that has given me inspiration along my writing journey. I was filled with joy and an understanding that I don’t know what lies ahead on my path and that’s what makes the journey so exciting!

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